Family Worship Each Sunday Morning

Please Join us!





Church Office Hours Are As Follows:

(Unless Otherwise Noted of Changed Office Hours)


   * Monday  ------------------   9:00 am - 3:00 pm

   * Tuesday -------------------  9:00 am - 3:00 pm

   * Wednesday ---------------- 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 

   * Thursday ------------------- 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

                ** Friday - Office Closed **


We are thankful to have "in person" worship each Sunday Morning at 9:45 a.m. If you would like a C.D. or D.V.D. of our Sunday Worship services, please call the Church Office at (906)647-6195 and we will gladly make you one.


These are usually available to be picked up Monday afternoon following the Sunday Service, or during office hours the rest of the week.


We continue to offer a livestream option each Sunday morning on YouTube if you are unable to make it in person.


We will be "live" at 9:40 a.m. Sunday Mornings.


CLICK the BUTTON at the bottom to go to our YouTube Channel (or search Pickford Global Methodist Church on  


We do have a Food Pantry, please contact the Church Office (906)647-6195 or my cell (listed below) if you or someone you know needs help with groceries. 


Feel free to call me at 810-834-9637 if you have any other needs.



May God Bless you & Remember Our God is in Control!


     In His Grip,
     Pastor Tim Bashore

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Pickford Global Methodist Church 115 E. Church Street | P.O. Box 128 | Pickford, MI 49774 | Graphics and Illustrations by David Young | Copyright 2011 |